Last Modified: 27 June 2015
Bangladesh Neonatal Forum
The name of the forum would be Bangladesh Neonatal Forum (BNF)
Registered Office
The registered office of the forum shall be located at Dhaka. Branch office may be established at divisional or district level when prerequisites are fulfilled. The forum shall have a monogram and seal of its own.
To promote and improve overall care of the newborns in the country with a goal to reduce the present high rate of neonatal morbidity & mortality and thereby reducing the infant mortality
Specific Objectives
1. To ensure newborn care at all levels of maternity service facilities including home deliveries.
2. To formulate curriculum/brochures/training materials for effective new born care for differen levels of Health Service Providers.
3. To organize training program on essential newborn care and neonatal resuscitation for all levels of health care providers.
4. To emphasize importance of training on basic neonatal care and neonatal resuscitation at undergraduate and post graduate teaching levels.
5. To promote and encourage research for improvement neonatal health care.
6. To prepare a core group of training for providing necessary training at all levels of health care providers.
7. To develop appropriate training facilities at different institution and hospitals (govt. and non govt.) of Dhaka and other cities.
8. To develop various awareness programs for the parents and public aimed at better and proper care of the newborn.
9. To develop increased cooperation and coordination with other professionals like obstetricians, anesthesiologists and general practitioners for improvement of newborn care.
10. To establish link with different relevant ministries of govt. of Bangladesh.
11. To affiliate with other organizations with similar aims and objectives at home and abroad for a concerted effort to achieve our goal of better newborn care.
In order to achieve the above aims and objective, the Forum:
- Shall maintain an office and other facilities
- Shall arrange from time to time lectures, demonstrations, seminars, workshops, conferences
- Shall discuss and express its opinion regarding laws and regulations proposed to be implemented by the government when such laws involve newborn issues.
- Shall encourage research in this specialty by organizing workshop and establishing grants, fellowships, scholarships, prizes, medals, etc.
- Shall rent, erect, maintain, improve or alter any building for this purpose when funds of the forum permit.
- Shall periodically publish journals or newsletters of the forum.
- Shall establish branches outside Dhaka whenever it will become feasible and will be approved by the Central Executive Committee (EC).
The Forum can elect time to time persons of great eminence as patrons both from in and outside the medical profession who can or has helped the forum either financially or any other way in the promotion of this branch of medicine. The selection will be done by executive committee.
a) General Member: Doctors having all the following criteria can become the member of the forum after approval by three fourth of member in good standing the EC.
b) Post graduate qualification (FCPS, MD, MRCP, DCH, MCPS & others) in pediatrics recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council.
At least on publication in any BMDC recognized journal related to neonatal health. The applicant must be one of the first three authors.
At least 3 months certified training in neonatology from an institute recognized by BMDC, BCPS and any University of Bangladesh.
b) Associate Membership: This shall be opened to any member of the medical profession who does not qualify for General Membership but has interest in neonatology. Such members would be entitled to participate in all the scientific and recreational facilities of the forum but shall not have the voting right.
c) Life Membership: Life Membership would be offered to any general member who wishes to become life member by donating a specified amount as one time contribution to the forum. This amount shall be decided in the general meeting from time. The present life members will enjoy their status.
Register of Membership
A register of membership shall be maintained at the registered office of the forum which shall contain the name, address, qualification, and date of admission to membership. The register shall be regularly updated.
Admission to Membership
Admission to membership shall be governed by laws in existence and in accordance with the changes made in the general meeting from time to time.
Mode of Admission to Membership
Each applicant should apply in prescribed membership form of the forum. The application must be duly proposed and seconded by two life/general members of the forum except in cases of founding members. The applicant should submit subscription fee for the current year. The application shall be considered by the Membership Sub-Committee, on whose recommendation the membership shall be granted by the executive committee. If any applicant is denied of membership through the above process, the applicant can appeal to the President of the forum in writing for reconsideration of his/her application.
The subscription will be at the following rate. This subscription rate may be changed from time to time on the basis of recommendations from the general body in AGM.
a) Life Membership: Tk 5000.00
b) Annual Membership fee of General Member: Tk 1000.00
c) Annual Membership fee for Associate Member: Tk 500.00
For the purpose of subscription and accounting the year should be counted from the 1st of January to the 31st of December of each calendar year.
Privileges of Members
Each Live and General Member shall enjoy the following privileges:
Can be a candidate for election to the Executive Committee.
Entitled to vote for the election of the Executive Committee.
Shall be eligible for attending all general meetings, as well as other scientific meetings, discussion meetings, seminars etc. Recognized by the forum.
Shall be entitled to use the library, reading room and other recreational facilities created by the forum for its members.
Shall receive the journal/ transaction of the forum and any other publication of the forum either free of cost or at a price which is decided by the executive committee.
Obligations of the Members
Each member of the forum shall:
- Practice the specialty within the bounds of medical ethics
- Do everything with his utmost ability and sincerity to promote the cause of the forum.
- Take active part in activities of forum
- Help the forum by participating in educational or research activities if they are requested to do so.
- Inform the office about any changes in his/her address, qualifications etc. So that the register may be kept up-to-date.
- Pay his/her dues regularly within the first three months of the calendar year.
- Not take part in any activities subversive to the forum as considered by the EC.
Termination of Membership
Membership may terminate:
a) By resignation: Any member can resign from the membership of the forum by a written application addressed to the Secretary General giving 30 day’s notice. The resigning member shall pay his outstanding dues to the forum and the application then shall be forwarded to the Membership Committee for necessary action.
b) Because of the non-payment of dues: Membership dues should be paid within first three months of the calendar year. If any member fails to pay his/her subscription by the end of the year, he shall be notified by a registered (acknowledgement due) letter to his most recent available address and would be requested to pay his dues within this time, the executive committee may terminate the membership of the person concerned.
c) On grounds of undesirable conduct if the disciplinary committee so decides can forward their recommendation to the EC. The membership will be terminated if 3/4 th majority of the EC agrees.
Readmission to Membership
Members who have terminated/lost their membership under rule (a) or (b) above may be readmitted as member by the executive committee on the basis of a written application with the payment of Tk 1000.00 as one year subscription and payment of any other dues payable by him.
Executive Committee (EC)
The executive committee shall exercise all the day to day executive function of the forum and shall have full control over the finances of the forum. The executive committee would be elected for a period of two years preferably commencing from January of the year.
It would be constituted as follows:
Immediate Past President
President Elect
Secretary General
Immediate Past Secretary General
Joint Secretary General
Organizing Secretary
Scientific Secretary
Office Secretary
Past President & Secretary General well be in the executive committee as ex officio Functions and power of the Executive Committee
The executive committee shall direct, regulate and administer the day to day affairs of the forum in accordance with the memorandum and bye-laws of the forum. If shall also execute the resolutions passed by the general body. The executive committee shall have the following powers and functions:
- Shall appoint various committees and sub-committees other than those formed in the general meeting.
- Shall frame, alter or repeal rules and bye-laws for consideration by the general body.
- Shall have full financial responsibility for collection and spending money in accordance to the budget passed by the general meeting
- Shall have the responsibility for maintaining proper book of accounts
- Shall have power to take appropriate actions according to the recommendations of the different committee
- Shall be able to write off any arrears against any member according to the recommendations of appropriate committee.
- Shall have the power to give affiliation to branches and approve their actions.
- To constitute an election commission when election becomes due.
Duties and powers of the office bearers
a. President
1. Shall chair all the meeting of the executive committee
2. Shall preside over all the annual general meeting
3. Shall regulate the proceedings of the meeting, interpret the rules and regulations and decide doubtful points
4. In addition to his own vote as a member of the EC shall have the right to exercise a casting vote in cases of the votes being equal on both sides
5. Shall have the option to attend the meetings of the various committees and sub-committees
b. Vice Presidents
1. Vice-Presidents in order of seniority shall over the meetings of the general body, executive body or other relevant committees in the absence of the president.
2. If the president resigns, removed from office or unable to continue his /her duties, the vice president (seniority by age) approved by the general body shall automatically be elected as President for the rest of the term.
c. Secretary General
1. Shall be in-charge of the central office
2. Shall conduct all correspondences
3. Shall supervise all accounts, pass al bills for payment and sign cheques with treasurer.
4. Shall make arrangements for organizing meeting, seminars, workshops etc.
5. Shall be an ex-officio member of all the committees and sub committees
6. Shall maintain the minutes of all executive and general body meetings.
7. Shall help the treasurer in preparing the annual statement of income and expenditure to get it audited for adoption in the annual general meeting and to prepare a budget for the next financial year
8. Shall maintain an up-to-date register of the members of the form
9. Shall organize the branches of the forum with the help of organizing secretary
10. Shall bring any matter which he thinks is important to bring to attention of the executive committee to take appropriate action.
11. Shall issue notices for all executive committee meetings and general body meetings in consultation with the president.
d. Treasurer
1. Shall receive all the money of the forum and deposit it in a scheduled bank approved by the executive committee and shall operate the accounts jointly with the secretary general, president or any other person endorsed by the executive committee
2. Shall be responsible for collection of dues from all the members and to collect the due share of the centre when branches are organized.
3. Shall be responsible for keeping all the accounts of the forum up-to-date
4. Shall get the account of the forum audited by the auditor appointed by the general body
5. Shall prepare the annual and supplementary budget (if any) for presentation at the annual general meeting
e. Joint Secretary General
1. Shall help the secretary General in carrying out his responsibilities and in the absence of the secretary general shall exercise his/her function
f. Organizing Secretary
1. Shall organize work for strong thank the organization and establish branches with the support from the secretary General.
g. Office Secretary
1. Shall maintain office files and other necessary documents, letters etc
2. Shall prepare all correspondence with the help of secretary General / Joint Secretary General
3. Shall inform all members about the EC and other meetings
4. Shall record proceeding of the meetings
5. Shall help in maintain update register of members of forum
h. Scientific Secretary
1. Shall be responsible for organized various scientific program after the consultation with secretary general
The executive committee shall meet as often as necessary but at least one in every three months. A member of the executive committee who fails to attend five consecutive meetings of the committee without valid reasons will automatically cease to be a member of the executive committee. In such circumstances the general body would elect a new member for the rest of the tenure of that member through special /emergency general meeting.
General Body
Functions and Responsibilities of General Body
The general body shall direct and regulate the general affairs of the forum and shall act as a policy making body. It shall have the following powers and responsibilities.
- to frame, alter or modify the constitution or bye-lows of the forum
- to appoint committees, sub-committees or standing committees on any special issue.
- to decide important issues concerning the functioning of the forum and such decisions would be binding on the executive committee or the branch committees.
- to direct the executive committee on important matters pertaining to the functioning of the forum
- the decision of the general body on any matter not specifically spelled out in the constitution or bye-laws shall be final.
Time of AGM & Election
Each term for EC should preferably begin in the month of January. AGM should be held preferably in the month of November to December. At the end of the term, election of the EC should be held with AGM preferably in the month of November & December. For unavoidable circumstances, this date may be changed by EC.
Meeting of the General Body
Annual General Meeting
1. The general meeting shall be held at least onee a year at a convenient date, time and place to be decided by the president in consultation with the executive committee.
2. At least 4 week’s notice be required for calling the general meeting. The notice should contain date, time, venue and agenda of the meeting and would be issued by the secretary general after consultation with the president
3. The quorum for general meetings shall be one fourth of the registered members (General & Life Members)
4. Business to be conducted at the annual general meeting
- confirmation of the minutes of last general meeting
- adoption of the report of the activities for the previous year presented by secretary general
- adoption of the income and expenditure report and auditor’s report if available by the treasurer
- approval of the budget for the next year
- appointment of auditor
- discussions on any issue brought about by any member with a 3 weekly prior notice
- discussion on the amendments of the constitution or bye-laws if any
Special / Emergency General Meeting
Emergency meeting can be called to discuss matters of great urgency involving the forum or the country in such meeting:
- at least 3 day’s notice would be required
- one-fifth of registered members would form the quorum
- only one agenda can be discussed
Requisition Meeting
A requisition meeting can gbe demanded by at least one-third of the registered members of the forum giving notice in writing mentioning the reason for demanding such a meeting. Such a meeting shall be called within 14 days of receiving the notice. The date, time and venue would be notified by the secretary general at least 7 days before the date of the meeting after consultation with the president. A decision can be taken in this meeting if two-thirds of the members present agree. The quorum of the meeting shall consist at least one-third of the registered members
The forum shall have right and power to acquire and hold property both moveable and immoveable under its name and the same name can sue and can be sued.
Income of the forum would be derived from the following sources
- subscription from the general members
- subscription from life members
- subscription from associate members
- contribution from branches
- donation from any source
- income from journals and other publications
- from organizing conferences, meetings, workshops etc.
- subscription from affiliated bodies
- overhead received from other agencies
- from any other source approved by the general body.
- all money would be received by the treasurer and would be deposited in a scheduled bank as decided by the executive committee
- the account would be in the name of the forum and would ordinarily be operated jointly by the treasurer and either by the secretary general or the president in the absence of the president and secretary general by another member nominated by the executive committee.
- the treasurer shall supervise the accounts and prepare an statement of the income and expenditure which would be audited by auditors appointed by the general body
- Excess fund if any can be suitably invested for better financial benefit of the forum by the executive committee.
- Secretary General on behalf of the forum would defray all ordinary expenses such as payment of rents, salaries etc. within the limitation of the budget.
- he will also be entitled to defray expenditures in connection with other activities of the forum such as publication of journals/proceedings, arranging meetings, conferences, workshops etc. After getting approval of the executive committee.
Organization of Branches
The forum may give permission to organize branches at division or district level if more than twenty members are present in the geographical area and express their desire in forming a branch. The functioning of such branches would be regulated by the bye-laws which would be framed subsequently and would be approved in the general meeting.
Amendments of the Constitution
The proposals for amendments in constitution, rules and bye-laws would be submitted in writing to the secretary general at least one month before the date of general meeting and such proposed amendments should be circulated to all members at least 2 weeks before the date of general meeting. Such amendments would be accepted if a quorum is present and more than two-third of the members present in the meeting vote in favor of the amendment.